Ski/Snowboard Club
SWHS Ski/Snowboard Club
This is a 6-week program for skiers and snowboarders of all abilities. Students will take the bus from SWHS at 3 pm to Mount Southington and return to SWHS at the end of the night. Skiers and riders have the opportunity to rent equipment and/or take a lesson designed to improve skills. Parent chaperones will help students with rental equipment and supervise activities at the mountain. Skis and poles must be secured together on all bus trips. This trip is open to SWHS students only
Location: Mount Southington
Dates: Wednesdays
Time: The bus will leave SWHS at 3 pm. Students must attend a study hall after school until the bus leaves.
Fee: 2023 fees are TBD
Residency: Must attend SWHS
Registration: Fall/Winter
Instructor: Jen Baker
TEMS Ski/Snowboard Club
This is a 6-week program for skiers and snowboarders of all abilities. Students will take the bus from TEMS (right after school) to Mount Southington and return to TEMS at the end of the night. Skiers and riders have the opportunity to rent equipment and/or take a lesson designed to improve skills. Parent chaperones will help students with rental equipment and supervise activities at the mountain. Skis and poles must be secured together on all bus trips. This trip is open to TEMS students only.
Location: Mount Southington
Date: Wednesdays
Time: Bus leaves directly after dismissal
Fee: 2023 fees are TBD
Residency: TEMS students only
Registration: Fall/Winter
Instructor: Jen Baker
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