Hours of Operation

June 1 - June 21

Monday-Friday 3:00pm-6:00pm 
Saturday 12:00pm-6:00pm
 Sunday 12:00pm-6:00pm
*Passholder & Resident Only Extended Hours:
Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm


June 22 - August 25

Monday-Friday 12:00pm-7:00pm 
Saturday 12:00pm-6:00pm
 Sunday 12:00-6:00pm
*Passholder & Resident Only Extended Hours
Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm


August 31 - September 1 

Saturday 12:00pm-6:00pm
 Sunday 12:00-6:00pm
*Passholder & Resident Only Extended Hours:
Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm 

Day Admission Fees (proof of residency is required at time of purchase)

Type  Resident FeesNon-Resident Fees 
Adult Weekday (age 18+) $11$16
Adult Weekend & Holiday (age 18+)$11$19
Weekday Child (age 3-17) $8$13
Weekend Child & Holiday (age 3-17) $8 $15
Senior (65+)/Veteran Admission $3 $6
Passholder Guest (Limit 5/day) $8 $8
Lost Cards $8 $8
Children 2 & under Free Free

Season Pass Fees

Type  Resident FeesNon-Resident Fees 
Family Pass (4 people)**$275$375
Additional Family Pass (max. of 2)$30$50
Individual Adult (age 18+)$95$135 
Individual Child (age 3-17) $75$105 
Seniors (age 65+)$65 $105 
Children 2 & under                      Free               Free
** Family Pass Valid up to 4 immediate family members residing in same household. 

Veterans & Active Military Membership Rates

Type  Resident Fees  Non-Resident Fees 
 Adult (18 or Older)  $43  $53
 Child (3-17)  $33  $43
*Veterans and active military members may present their military ID cards or obtain a DD2-14 from the
Town Clerk's Office and present it at the Parks and Recreation Office to receive a discount. 

Veterans Memorial Pool Rules

Playing by the rules while enjoying your day in the sun at VMP!

Although fun in the water is encouraged, the facility experiences many extremely busy weekends and weekdays, so for all of our guests to enjoy a comfortable atmosphere, please adhere to the following guidelines:

• Water guns and hard surface balls, such as tennis balls, are not allowed.

• Group rates and reservations are not available.

• Grilling anywhere on the facility grounds is not permitted.

• All lifejackets must be Coast Guard approved.

• There are no snorkel masks allowed.

• All patrons must wear appropriate swim attire.

• Horseplay and running are not permitted while in the park.

• Parents/Guardians are responsible for the children at all times. Non swimmers must be within an arm reach.

• For the safety of everyone in the park, alcohol and glass bottles are strictly prohibited.

• Plan ahead and bring your own tables and chairs 

Picnic tables at the park grounds are limited; they are on a first come first serve basis.

• Lap lanes are for lap swim only. Please do not utilize this area if you don’t plan on swimming laps.

• Please be respectful to lifeguards, they are there for everyone’s safety.

• Please be mindful of the personal space of others around you.

• Please be aware of other rules that have been posted throughout the park.

The staff reserves the right to ask guests to leave the park, without refund, if policies are not followed. Guest and staff safety is our first priority.


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