Payment Policy
All payments are due at the time of registration unless otherwise noted. Any payment not received prior to attending the program or event is considered past due. If any individual or person(s) within the same household are enrolled in programming they are subject to cancellation and withdrawal until the balance is paid in full. Payment plans set up prior to the start of a program or event are honored and invoices will not be marked past due.
Any individual struggling or unable to make payments may qualify for Financial Assistance or a Specialized Payment Plan. Financial Assistance and Specialized Payment Plans are offered for certain programs on a case by case basis. Visit our Financial Assistance Page for more information.
We make every effort to contact you regarding any past due invoices such as phone calls, emails, and personalized letters. If we do not receive any correspondence from the delinquent party after 45 days, a suspension will be placed on the account until the account is paid in full.
Any person(s) with a balance unpaid after three months is subject to collections. Any fees incurred by collections is the responsibility of the payer designated on the past due invoice.
For more information contact our department via email: rec@southwindsor-ct.gov.
Refund Policies
General Department Refund Policy
Programs are very popular and fill quickly; so quickly that we often have waiting lists. The sooner we know of your intentions to cancel out of a program, the sooner we can accommodate others. Request for refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Generally, full refunds are granted for legitimate medical reasons or if the Parks and Recreation department cancels a program. Any withdrawal or transfer requests made prior to June 1 will receive a full refund. Deposits of $25 are non-refundable for any withdrawal or transfer requests made after June 1. Withdrawal or transfer requests will only be accepted until the Wednesday of the week prior to the start of your registered camp, after which refunds will be processed for medical reasons only. A doctor’s note is required.
Requests for cancellations, withdrawals or transfers need to be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation Department (via email, rec@southwindsor-ct.gov or in our office at the Parks and Recreation Facility, 350 Foster Street)
Waitlist Policy
Parks and Recreation allows participants to add themselves to the waitlist of certain programs if they are closed or full. If a spot opens in the program, the participant in the first position on the waitlist will be sent an email notifying them of the opportunity to register. The participant must register using the link provided in the email within 24 hours of notification or they will forfeit their placement on the waitlist. A follow up phone call will be made prior to moving to the next participant as a reminder. The space will continue to be offered to the next participant on the waitlist until filled.
For Participants to take advantage of this opportunity, these additional policies have been implemented:
• Participants must meet any program restrictions to be considered eligible to waitlist.
• Participants are granted a waitlist position in the order in which they attempt to waitlist the program.
• Participants are only permitted to add themselves to the waitlist after registration has been opened. Please note: Non-Residents must wait until the Non-Resident registration day in order to be eligible to be placed on the waitlist.
• To allow for scheduling flexibility, participants will be permitted to waitlist any eligible program prior to its start date. However, when registering off the waitllist the participant must verify the program does not conflict with any existing registrations.
• It is the participant/guardians’ responsibility to check the status of the waitlist, monitor account email, and register on recreation.southwindsor.org before the deadline.
• Participants may not waitlist a program if their account is past due.
• If a spot opens after the last registration day, the participant will be sent an email notification with the opportunity to register by a specified time overriding the 24-hour window.
• Being on a waitlist does not guarantee registration in the program or that a spot will be made available for the same program.
• Participants on a waitlist are not officially enrolled in that program until a registration confirmation email has been received along with payment being processed.
• Participants who no longer wish to remain on the waitlist must notify the Parks and Recreation department of their intent to drop their waitlist status.
• Participants can view all waitlisted programs under their household account on the Parks and Recreation website.
Residency Policy
A. Definitions:
1. Resident
- Dwelling – any individual whose primary household is in the Town of South Windsor, CT. This includes verifiable homeowners and renters, who are either directly or indirectly responsible for paying municipal taxes to the Town.
- Commercial – any verifiable individual(s) who own a business in the Town of South Windsor, and who are directly or indirectly (lease) responsible for paying municipal property taxes to the Town.
2. Non-Resident – any individuals, whether by dwelling or commercial definition, who are non-tax payers to the Town of South Windsor.
Behavior & Public Safety
Participants Behavior
· Behave in a safe and responsible manner
We use a positive
approach to behavior management. However, we reserve the right to take
appropriate action based upon an evaluation of each situation on its own
Bullying shall include, but not be limited to, a written, verbal or electronic communication or physical act or gesture based on any differentiating characteristics, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, academic status, physical appearance, or mental, physical, developmental or sensory disability, or by association with an individual or group who has or is perceived to have one or more of such characteristics. For purposes of this policy, "Cyberbullying" means any act of bullying through the use of the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, cellular mobile telephone or other mobile electronic devices or any electronic communications.
South Windsor Parks and Recreation takes bullying very seriously and has zero tolerance for exhibiting such behavior. As defined in the Town of South Windsor Board of Education policy, “bullying” means the repeated use by one or more participants of a written, verbal or electronic communication (such as cyber bullying) directed at or referring to another participant attending any South Windsor Parks and Recreation recreational programs, or a physical act or gesture by one or more participant repeatedly directed at another participant attending a recreational program through South Windsor Parks and Recreation, that:
- Causes physical or emotional harm to any participant/patron or damage to any participants/patrons property whom is visiting or attending any Recreational Facility or program.
- Places such participant/patron in reasonable fear of harm to themselves or of damage to their property.
- Creates hostile environment for patrons of our parks or facilities
- Infringes on the rights of such participant/patron; or
- Substantially disrupts their participation or visitation to Recreational programs, town parks and facilities.
Each situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis and any subsequent follow up actions are at the discretion of the South Windsor Parks and Recreation Department.
Americans with Disabilities Act
IPM Program
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a term used to describe a systematic method of managing pests using non-chemical pest management methods and the judicious use of pesticides when pest populations exceed acceptable levels. When pesticide applications are necessary, priority is given to using the least toxic pesticide as first choice. The implementation of integrated pest management is recommended as a common sense approach to pest control in all environments from residential to municipal, commercial and campus settings for both interior and exterior applications.
In municipal, commercial and campus settings, development of a written IPM plan to establish individual responsibilities, pest action thresholds, a system of communication and pesticide hierarchy is recommended and, in some cases, required by law. Presently, Boards of Education are required to develop written IPM plans for landscape applications at schools with grades K – 8.
The link below , is the Town of South Windsor’s IPM Program that is used for school grounds. Although not stated or required, The Town of South Windsor has adopted this program to be used throughout town owned properties such as building grounds as well as parks.
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