Check our Hotline!


Prior to the start of the program, call the cancellation hotline number (860-648-6349)
for the most recently updated information. Make-up classes will be scheduled if the
schedule, facility, and instructor have availability to do so.
The South Windsor Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to
change schedules as necessary and cancel programs that do not meet minimum
enrollment levels. 
If the South Windsor schools are cancelled, preschool classes will also be cancelled.


If the public schools have a delayed opening, morning preschool classes that start before noon will be cancelled, but afternoon preschool classes that start after noon will be conducted as long as weather conditions improve.

How to find Cancellation Information

For the most recently updated information:

         Call the Hotline Number at 860-648-6349  
         Tune to WTIC AM radio  
         Watch WFSB Channel 3

Make-up Classes

With the exception of aquatics programs, make-up classes will be scheduled based on facility and instructor availability.


If South Windsor Parks and Recreation cancels a program, partial refunds may be given if 2 or more of the same class cannot be rescheduled.

For more information on our refund policy visit our Policy page here.

Other Schedule Changes

The South Windsor Recreation Department reserves the right to change schedules as necessary and cancel programs that do not meet minimum enrollment levels.